Monday, 12 December 2016

Eating your way to a healthy heart

Healthy-Heart Eating

To Lower the risk of heart disease and strokes it is important to eat healthy foods and to do exercise regularly. Heart disease is number one cause of death for American women and stroke is the number three cause of Death. For the benefit, you should choose more fruits, foods with whole grains, vegetables,healthy protein foods. You should eat less food With added sugar,unhealthy fats, and calories.

Foods you should eat to lower your risk of heart disease:-
Half of your plate of the  daily meal should be fruits and vegetables.
Eat food with  whole grains. Whole grains food includes:

Whole oats
Wild rice
whole grain corn etc.

Take seafood,lean meats,beans and eggs and unsalted nuts.

How many Calories you should eat:-
 The Number of calories you should take daily depends on your age , body, Physical activity.
For example , a woman between 31 to 50 years of age and is of normal weight and exercise for 30 minutes for most of days ,should eat and drink about 2000 calories each day to maintain her weight.

Is drinking alcohol good for your Heart?
many researches suggest that  Quality moderate drinkers are less likely to evolve heart diseases. For women, moderate drinking means up to one drinking per day. 

The reason behind benefits of drinking moderately are not clear but at the same time, moderate drinking is also related to breast cancer injuries, and violence so you should not start drinking for potential benefits. Also,you should not drink if you are pregnant or may be pregnant.

Helping you out in the preparation of best eating plan:-
You should talk to a registered dietitian. A dietitian is a nutrition expert who can give you advice about what foods you should eat. You can ask your doctor to recommend you a dietitian.