Saturday, 10 December 2016

How (and why ) to stop taking the pill

Birth Control pills: An overview

 Birth control pills are a synthetic form of progesterone, hormones, and estrogen which is taken by women to prevent pregnancy. These pills prevent ovulation by maintaining more consistent Hormones level. Without a peak in estrogen, the ovary doesn’t get the signal to liberate an egg which eliminates the possibility of pregnant fertilization.
Since its approval in 1960, it has become the most popular and one of the most effective forms of reversible birth control.
National health statistic Report of 2013 says that 82 % of women who use contraception have used pill at some point.
In recent years, birth control pills have changed to include fewer hormones so that it have fewer side effects. Almost all healthy women who do not smoke, may use birth control pills. Low dose birth control pills have few risk for most of the women but it also offers some health  benefits like lighter periods, lessening of acne breakouts,less severe menstrual cramps.
Birth control pills do offer some healthy risks. For ex, if you are above 35 and you do smoke, your doctor may advise against taking oral contraceptive. And also birth control pills do not prevent you from  a sexually transmitted disease like HIV virus that causes AIDS etc. 

How birth control pills works?
As we have mentioned while starting this article, that without a peak in estrogen, the ovary doesn’t release an egg. And remember that no egg means no pregnancy.
This pills also thicken the cervical mucus so that the sperm cannot reach the egg.

How to take birth control pills?
There are few different ways, you can start to take pills. You should discuss all the pros and cons of taking these with your doctor.
You can start taking  them on the first day of your periods.

You can start taking them on Sunday after your periods starts.
Or you can start taking them as they are prescribed to you, in that case, you will need to make sure that you are not pregnant and you will need to use backup birth control for the first month.

See ya next time!  Take care.