Saturday, 10 December 2016

Infertility affects men and women equally

Infertility in women
Infertility means not being able to get pregnant after one year of trying or for six months if a woman is 35 or older. A Woman who can get pregnant but is unable to remain pregnant may also be infertile.
Steps in process of pregnancy:-
A woman must release an egg from one of her ovaries.
The egg must go through a fallopian tube towards the uterus.
A man’s sperm must join the egg in its way.
The fertilized egg must attach to the inside of the uterus.
Infertility can happen if there is a problem in any of the above steps. 

Infertility : a common Problem
Yes, About 10% of women of United States ages 15-44 have difficulty in getting pregnant or staying pregnant. These statistics are provided by Center for Disease control and prevention (CDC)

Causes of Infertility in women
Most cases of infertility in are caused by a  problem in ovulation. Because without ovulation, there are no eggs to be fertilized. Some signs of having a problem in ovulation are irregular or absent menstrual periods.
But most often a cause of infertility in women is  "polycystic ovarian syndrome" .
Other less common causes of infertility are
Blocked fallopian tube due to pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis or surgery for an ectopic pregnancy
Having physical problems with, the  uterus.
Uterine -  fibroids, which are non cancerous clumps of tissue and having muscle on the walls of tissue.

Which Factors increases Risk of Infertility in women?
Many things affect woman’s ability to have a baby :-
Poor diet
Athletic training
Being overweight or underweight
Excess alcohol use
Sexually transmitted disease

How do Doctors Treat Infertility?
Infertility can be treated with surgery, medicines, artificial insemination or assisted reproductive technology. Doctors recommend precise treatment on the basis of :-
Test results
The age of both the spouses
How long the couple has been trying to get pregnant
The overall health of partners.
Preference of partners

See ya!!  Take care!