Thursday, 15 December 2016


 All of us like to stay healthy and many of us like to look Good. To achieve all these kind of personal care goals many people today end up using many personal care products, and most of them contain high chemical proportion. These chemicals are very powerful and if they are used regularly for a long time they have the ability to affect our skin in many unattractive ways.

Care products which contain various kinds of chemicals must be used with caution or else they can have harmful effects. Today We are going to tell you  about Some of those dangerous chemicals and their effects which are described below :

COAL TAR : Coal tar is used in the preparation of makeup products and hair dyes. Use of this chemical for a long period of time may increase the risk of folliculitis. This chemical is made of polycyclic hydrocarbons which may Also cause phototoxicity.

FORMALDEHYDE :  This chemical is used in hair smoothing cosmetics.If it is produced in small amounts in the human body it is harmless but an excessive exposure to formaldehyde may lead allergic reaction in eyes,skin, and throat and it can Also lead to asthma.formaldehyde also increase the risk of various forms of cancer as well.

LEAD:  some of the cosmetic products contain lead. Lead has a horde of harmful effects. Exposure to lead for so long can be carcinogenic, and harmful during pregnancy. It affects the nervous system of the body and may cause nausea, headache, and irritability.
MERCURY: This is used in skin lightening creams. Mercury in skin lightening creams can damage kidneys,brain, and liver. Use of Inorganic mercury directly affects central nervous system.
GLUCOCORTICOIDS : This is one of the prime ingredients used in the preparation of bleaching product. Bleaching product induces many skin diseases.

MINERAL OIL : This is often used in a cosmetic product. Mineral oil is obtained from petroleum products and it may cause skin irritation and allergy. Mineral oil block skin pores resulting in restricting the movements of nutrients and it stops the removal of waste matter from the cells. Many studies show that use of a cosmetic product which contains mineral oil can possibly contribute to arthritis.