Thursday, 15 December 2016

Some Skin Care Tips

Skin Care Tips

Skin care specialist and makeup experts often refer to various skin types. They assume you know which category you fall under. A Regimen of your skin care depends on your skin type. Many of us do not have a good understanding of our skin type. That is the reason the skin care plan are most of the hit and miss variety.

Skin Types:
Dry skin
Dry skin can be flaky and can be easily irritated. Dry skin is more sensitive. Dermatologist says that if your skin has these qualities and it also reacts to some of the products that you have tried, you have dry skin. An Extreme version of having dry skin is sensitive skin.
Oily skin
The primary test of finding whether you have oily skin or not is to check whether you feel some oil on your face. Oily skin rarely reacts negatively to skin care products like dry types skin do. The Oily skin provides better natural sun protection.
Combination skin
If the description provided for dry skin matches your cheeks, but at the same time description of oily also matches your T - zone, you have combination skin. 

Key components of Dry skin care
Cleanser-  Use a gentle cleanser. You should cleanse at night and also do it again in the morning. “mild cleanser is best for all skin types.
Apply Retinol- Get stick to a retinol for anti-aging. The Frequency of using retinol should be decreased if you have dry skin. It can cause irritation.
Moisturize- The dead skin cell layer that protects the surface of the skin, tend to get easily interrupted with dry skin. It is recommended to use a thicker cream

Caring for oily skin
Use a cleanser,  can apply retinol,  and take help of moisturizer.

Use salicylic acid- Use a salicylic acid product which is alcohol- free. Use it two or three times a week. 

Caring for Combination skin Type
People with combination skin type will follow the same basic routine but they have to make the balancing act.

Take some time to develop the skin care routine that is right for the type of skin you have. With a little work, you can have a healthy glow, no matter what is your skin type.